Wednesday, December 15, 2010

my thoughts lately

It is so cold out.  It’s amazing how my outlook has changed in the past couple of years.  I absolutely hated the cold the first four years I lived down here, but now, after last year’s coldest and longest Tampa winter in 20-25 years, I have come to really appreciate it.  It’s great not having humidity, and it’s nice being able to walk outside and not sweat.  It’s fun wearing sweaters and eating chili and turning the heat on.  What is not fun is that John usually uses most of the hot water since he’s been getting up earlier than me since he started working at Humana.  There’s usually not enough time for the hot water to build back up before I shower, but it’s a small price to pay to be married to a great man, to both have jobs, and to be living in an apt that we love. 

Speaking of that, the Christmas season makes me super happy, as I remember traditions, food, music, and much more and as I get to be with John and our wonderful family and friends.  We go to Christmas parties, we eat good food, we buy cute decorations and a Christmas tree, we do so much to enjoy the Christmas season.  On the flip side, though, the Christmas season can almost make me so sad that I can hardly stand it.  I can’t stop thinking about how blessed we are.  I can’t stop thinking about the cold, lonely, depressed, and sick people out there.  The animals too.  On Fox and Friends this morning, they featured a couple of rescued dogs.  One of the dogs had been left in the backyard by its owners.  His collar was never adjusted properly, so the flesh grew around the collar as the dog got bigger.  That’s just one story.  Think about all of the other animals out there like that.  Think about all the people out there, the neglected and abused.  Think about the cold and the hungry and the lonely.  Even the people in line at the grocery store buying frozen dinners make me sad around the holidays.  They might have money to buy food and a microwave to cook it in, but I can’t imagine spending a holiday by myself.  It’s almost too much to bear sometimes.  As I’ve mentioned, John and I have been looking at houses online.  We’re not really all that serious about buying yet, but we’re keeping our eyes open for houses that might interest us.  On the way to work Monday morning, I saw a homeless man, and I felt so ashamed for even wanting a home of my own.  I am a spoiled brat.

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